Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you a nurse with a lot of student debt? You’re not alone. Many nurses take out loans to pay for school. The good news is there are programs to help you. Nursing student loan forgiveness can erase some or all of your loans if you agree to work in certain areas for a few years.

What is nursing student loan forgiveness?

It’s when the government or another organization forgives your student loans. This means you don’t have to pay them back. In exchange, you agree to work as a nurse in a place that needs nurses. This could be a rural area, a low-income community, or a place with a nursing shortage.

Why should you think about nursing student loan forgiveness?

Nursing school is expensive. Many nursing students end up with a lot of debt. The average is $40,000 to $55,000. Paying this back can be challenging, especially when starting your career. Loan forgiveness programs can help you get out of debt faster. They also let you focus on your nursing career instead of worrying about money.

What kinds of loan forgiveness programs are there for nurses?

There are a few different types of programs:

Federal programs: 

The U.S. government offers loan forgiveness for nurses through programs like:

NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program: This program will pay up to 85% of your unpaid nursing loans. In return, you agree to work for 2-3 years at a hospital or clinic with a critical nurse shortage.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF): With PSLF, you can have your remaining loan balance forgiven after you make 120 payments while working full-time for the government or a non-profit. Many nurses qualify by working at a public hospital or community health clinic.

Perkins Loan Cancellation: If you have Perkins Loans, you can have up to 100% forgiven over five years. It would help if you worked full-time as a nurse in a high-need area, like a low-income school or a public health department.

State programs:

 Many states also have loan repayment assistance programs for nurses. These work similarly to the federal NURSE Corps program. You agree to work in an underserved area of the state for a few years; in return, they forgive some of your loans. The exact rules and amounts vary by state.

Employer programs:

Some hospitals and healthcare organizations will pay off some of your loans if you agree to work for them for several years. This great benefit can help you pay down your loans while guaranteeing you a nursing job. Not all employers offer this, but it’s becoming more common as the need for nurses grows.

How do you apply for nursing student loan forgiveness?

The application process is different for each program. For federal programs, you’ll need to complete some paperwork and ensure you meet all the requirements. This usually means having the right kind of loans, working in an approved location, and making timely payments.

You’ll need to check with the specific organization offering the forgiveness for state and employer programs. They’ll tell you what you need to do to apply and qualify.

No matter which program you choose, carefully read all the details. You want to avoid surprises down the road. It’s also a good idea to have a backup plan if you aren’t accepted into a forgiveness program.

What if you don’t qualify for loan forgiveness?

If you can’t do a forgiveness program, there are still ways to make your student loans more affordable:

Income-driven repayment plans: 

These plans base your monthly payment on your income. They can lower your payments, but you’ll pay more interest over time.

Loan consolidation: 

Combining your loans into one new loan can give you a more straightforward payment. It can also lower your payment by giving you more time to repay the loan.


Getting a new loan with a lower interest rate can save you money over the life of your loans. Just be careful about refinancing federal loans with a private lender because you’ll lose access to federal benefits.

Employer assistance: 

Some hospitals offer signing bonuses or tuition reimbursement that you can put towards your loans. Every bit helps.

Also Read – Military Spouse Student Loan Forgiveness: A Complete Guide

How do you choose the right loan forgiveness program?

Here are some tips:

  • Read everything very carefully before signing up. Make sure you understand what you’re agreeing to.
  • Think about your career goals. Will this program help you get to where you want to be?
  • Have a Plan B. These programs can be competitive, so have another way to pay your loans just in case.
  • Talk to your employer. They might have ways to help you qualify for loan forgiveness.
  • Keep your finances in good shape. If you miss payments or default on your loans, you could lose your eligibility for these programs.
  • Start planning early. Some of these programs take many years to qualify for. The sooner you get started, the better.
  • Get help if you need it. Loan forgiveness can be confusing. Be bold and ask an expert for advice.

How Much Can You Save with Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness?

The amount you can save with loan forgiveness depends on your chosen program and how much you owe. But it can be a lot.

Let’s look at an example:

Say you have $50,000 in nursing school loans. If you do the NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program, you could have up to $42,500 forgiven over three years. That’s a massive chunk of your debt gone.

Or you work for a non-profit hospital and qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness. After making payments for ten years, your remaining balance could be erased. If you started with $50,000 and had $20,000 left after ten years, that’s $20,000 forgiven.

The savings can be significant, especially when you consider how much you’d pay in interest over the life of your loans without forgiveness.

Choosing Between Loan Forgiveness and Other Debt Strategies

How do you decide if nursing student loan forgiveness is right for you? Here are some things to consider:

Your career goals

Do you want to work in a high-need or underserved area? Are you passionate about public health or working with low-income communities? Loan forgiveness programs can be a great fit.

But it might not be the best path if your heart is set on a specific hospital or specialty that doesn’t qualify for forgiveness.

Your financial situation

Loan forgiveness can save you a lot in the long run. But you may have to make some financial sacrifices in the short term.

For example, you must enroll in an income-driven repayment plan to qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness. This will likely lower your monthly payments, but it also means paying more interest over time.

Forgiveness might be a challenging solution. You can’t afford to make payments at all right now. You may need to consider deferment or forbearance first.

Your loan type

Most loan forgiveness programs are for federal student loans only. If you have private loans, you must explore other options, like refinancing.

Even among federal loans, some types are excluded from specific programs. For instance, PLUS loans aren’t eligible for Perkins Loan Cancellation.

Your long-term financial goals

Loan forgiveness can be a great way to get out of debt faster. But it’s not the only way. You also have to weigh it against other financial priorities.

For example, if you want to buy a house or start saving for retirement, putting all your extra money towards your loans to qualify for forgiveness might not be the best approach. You may be better off on a standard or extended repayment plan while you focus on other goals.

On the other hand, if becoming debt-free as soon as possible is your top priority, loan forgiveness can be an intelligent strategy.

Also Read – Student Loan Forgiveness in Michigan: A Complete Guide

Other Ways Nurses Can Save on Student Loans

Loan forgiveness isn’t the only way nurses can tackle their student debt. Here are a few more strategies to consider:

Automatic payments

Many lenders offer a small interest rate discount if you sign up for automatic payments. Over time, this can add up to decent savings.

Employer assistance

We talked about employer loan repayment programs. But some hospitals also offer other financial perks, like tuition reimbursement if you go back to school or signing bonuses you can put towards your loans. Always ask about these benefits when job searching.

Loan repayment assistance programs (LRAPs)

In addition to state and federal loan forgiveness, there are many private and non-profit LRAPs for nurses. These programs provide money to help you repay your loans, often in exchange for a service commitment.

For example, the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program covers full tuition and provides a monthly stipend. In return, you work at a high-need facility for at least two years after graduation.


This new law, passed in 2020, makes it easier for nurses to qualify for loan repayment and forgiveness programs. It expands the types of nursing jobs and locations that are eligible.

The NURSE Act also increases the loan repayment amount for the NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Program to 85% of your loan balance. This is great news for nurses with high student debt.

Advocacy and Awareness

As a nurse, you can also get involved in advocacy efforts to expand and improve loan forgiveness options. Nursing organizations like the American Nurses Association are working to raise awareness about the burden of student debt and pushing for better repayment assistance.

You can write to your representatives, share your story, and encourage your colleagues to do the same. Together, nurses can fight for a system that better supports their education and financial well-being.

The Future of Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness

The landscape of student loan forgiveness is constantly changing. As lawmakers recognize the growing burden of student debt, there’s a push to expand forgiveness options, especially for in-demand fields like nursing.

We may see even more programs to help nurses pay off their loans in the coming years. We could also see changes to existing programs to make them more generous or easier to qualify.

No matter the future, one thing is clear: nursing student loan forgiveness is a valuable tool for managing your debt and building a successful career. By taking advantage of these programs and advocating for even better options, you can take control of your financial future and focus on what matters – being a fantastic nurse.

Also Read – Student Loan Forgiveness in North Carolina


Nursing student loan forgiveness programs are a great way to get out of debt while kickstarting your career. They can erase a big chunk of your loans and let you focus on being the best nurse you can be. There are options for federal, state, and employer-based programs.

If loan forgiveness isn’t suitable for you, there are other strategies to make your debt more manageable, like income-based repayment and refinancing.

The most important thing is to educate yourself about all your options. Read the details, ask questions, and make a plan. With the right strategy, you can conquer your nursing school loans and build a fulfilling, financially stable career caring for others. You’ve worked hard to become a nurse – now make sure your loans work for you.

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